Olive Oil: To remove wrinkles, skin, neck, face and neck painted with a mixture consisting half a teaspoon of olive oil, egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice still this mask after the third hour with lukewarm water.
Paint the face with honey and leave.http://acnenomore2013.blogspot.com/
it for an hour a day earns skin vitality and freshness and helps to remove skin wrinkles
Tomatoes: Tomato juice is used with glycerin and a pinch of salt and anoints him the facial skin and hands taut appearance
Grapes: Grape juice is used to wash the face and wet, and it scans the face using a cotton swab dipped in the juice after. Face wet leaves juice for ten minutes until it dries. How to skin care Then wash with lukewarm water with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate.
Strawberries: used to stretch the facial skin. Mash the strawberries and painted her face before going to sleep, and leaves until the morning shall wash with water chervil. This helps to stimulate the skin and remove skin wrinkles filtered juice five kernels of strawberries in a soft cloth with egg white, and in addition to five points of rose water and ten drops of tincture gum. Blends all of this and brush on as cotton, then placed on the face for an hour.
Then flying, and wash the face with lukewarm water containing sodium bicarbonate per 15 grams per liter.
Apricots: Apricots works compresses placed on the face to strengthen the facial skin and purification
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